Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Critic of Law that Backs Guns in Class for Teachers in South Dakota

In the entire nation today, there is no doubt that the recent killing at elementary school in Newton, Conn, and the one in Colorado has  once again raise the issue of what is the best way to protect our children  at the place of their schools from killing by  their fellow peers.. The quick rush by the legislatures in South Dakota to allow school personnel to carry hand gun on school premises is rather regrettable and ill-conceived at best. How can the Legislatures with clean conscience come to a conclusion that such measure will help deter the intended outcome without first conducting research or considering other measures that may better suit the issue at hand. It seems to me that what they are saying is that more  guns in  schools but in the hands adults is the solution to will help deter a young person with emotional issue who may be suicidal in the first place from carrying such act.
Do these Legislatures consider the legal implication that may bear on those school personnel   who will act as first responders in those kinds of situations? Is the purpose of this Legislation to prevent young people from killing each other or who ought to be killed in those kinds of situations? What kind of metal or psychological requirements or evaluations will these school personnel’s go through to be able to carry these guns? What happens if kids have access to these guns through the negligence of these school personnel?   Factual evidence has shown that a measure as simple as the use of metal detectors through entrances to airports, court houses, major sporting events have helped reduce or in many cases eliminated the introduction of fire arms in those places.  South Dakota brags about that their kids start using guns at very early ages, but fail to distinguish hunting guns from hand guns. I hope this type of legislation will not be a trend in other states across the nation. This is what I call legislative quick fix for a problem bordering on mental health and proper education.

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