Friday, March 29, 2013


      The Amendment II of the U.S constitution says that the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. This sound ok, the question is why?  Why did thepeople who wrote the constitution thinkthat they had to spell this out?  It seems to be setting a limit on the power of the federal government. So, perhaps it’s the government they were worried about, maybe the people need to have guns because if only the government had them, then we the people wouldn’t be safe from the tyranny.
       If that really is what the Amendment II means, then it isn’t doing us much good these days. Even if every citizen owns a handgun, will that be enough to ward off a potential tyranny of a local police department not alone the pentagon! You are going to need at the very least the hydrogen bomb, some jets, and some rocket launchers. Is this what the constitution had in mind?
       Is it the right or even the duty of every American to own a nuclear submarine or tanks? Will the Founding Fathers of this great nation be happy to hear that there are now over two hundred and seventy million weapons floating around in this country? Does the Amendment II mean that over 13,000 people a year at least are supposed to die from gun-shot wounds not to mention the many thousands more who get banged in their arms or feet? Is the mayhem on our streets today, the fault of the guns or the fault of something in us? Is the control of guns going to reduce the death toll caused by guns? Has gun availability to citizen’s help reduce the crime that everyone claims is the purpose of owing a gun?
Why would the Founding Fathers give the new settlers at the time a sense of insecurity among themselves by authorizing them to arm themselves against each other?
Last year alone, over 17,000 American were killed in the United States, of these, 67% were done with handgun.
      It is a true that Guns don’t kill…. People do, but they do so mostly with guns and handgun make it all too easy. The fact remain that handgun are the preferred method of murder according the FBI uniform crime report in the last 20 years. Automobiles are also dangerous; therefore we require new drivers’ training and driver’s licenses. We should at least do the same for deadly handguns whose only purpose it kill or destroy. In this country, firearms have claimed the lives of over 950, 00 Americans- more than the total numbers soldiers killed (755, 00) in all wars from the civil war to through the war in Afghanistan. If the US were losing this many people to some kind of killer virus or to war, there would be public outcry. In this Country, gun wounds to children ages 16 and under have increased 250% since 1986 in urban areas according to a leading pediatric surgeon.
In Switzerland, for example, every adult male is required to own a gun and yet the murder rate is very low……why?
It because every adult male is a member of the Militia and are issued rifles and ammunition by the government. These long guns are registered and all ammunition must be accounted for. Guns are very tightly controlled…… there is background checks, a permit to possess a handgun, and a hand gun registration
      It is a sad commentary that today most American public schools, especially those in major cities as New York, Chicago and Detroit, and recently Colorado, and Connecticut, a new curriculum  has been added “ HANDGUN DRILL” . Many children today are afraid to go to school each day, on the other hand, parents of these kids are no longer sure if they may see their kids back from school alive or dead.
     In other to do something about this problem, we must use some kind of preventive medicine. I believe this begins with tighter regulation of the most deadly of all murder weapon- the handgun. Every study on homicide has revealed that handgun crime rate is directly proportional to easy accessibility of the handgun. Assault-type weapon should be banned from private use. The Framers of the constitution specified that “a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed” Well, the last time I checked, the United states has the best and most powerful, and a well regulated air force, the marines, the Navy, the Army, the CIA, FBI etc… so we do not need a Militia as the case may be in third world countries where there are no free states.

1 comment:

  1. “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Everyone may not always believe in this or that conspiracy but we all believe in something mysterious about the government, that the way we are going we will be doomed.

    It’s the government, when is the last time you trusted a stranger to help you, that didn’t benefit themselves…..The constitution in my eyes is the “citizen bible,” tells the government and its constituents what we can and can’t do.

    Our founding fathers were people with greater visions for our country then the people surrounding them at that time, is it crazy to think by writing such a powerful document that their wouldn’t be any type of consequences. It’s only natural by giving someone restrictions people will push to the edge of that “line.”

    The II Amendment can’t be blamed for the deaths of people, which are like accusing who ever created McDonald’s, should be tried for the causes and deaths of obesity. Guns aren’t the reason, it’s the people. According to, Doctors kills 2,450% more Americans then all gun related deaths combined. It’s true: You are 64 times more likely to be killed by your doctor than by someone else wielding a gun. That’s because 19,766 of the total 31,940 gun deaths in the USA (in the year 2011) were suicides. So the actual number of deaths from other people shooting you is only 12,174.

    According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. The media is another guilty culprit, the media harps so much attention on the “bad wolf,” in this country. The media illustrates how much fame and money can be granted when committing a horrific crime.

    This is a pretty amazing story. An armed private citizen assisted a police officer who was pinned down by the gunfire of a madman who had just killed 3 people and could have killed many more. Amazingly the concerned citizen, Vic Stacy, did so by taking a shot of 50+ yards using only a pistol. The caliber hand gun is unknown, but Stacy mentions a “magnum bullet” which could mean a .357 or .44. Stacy landed multiple shots on the shooter and this allowed the police officer to also land shots with his AR-15 while the suspect was distracted.

    When you’re given something like a handgun in Switzerland, or the legal age to drink in Germany is 18, you don’t care for it as much, it’s not as cool as you thought it was. The government refuses to have a tighter control on weapons, instead I think they want to take them away and sell them to the criminals, so people keep their jobs.

    It is quite sad that public schools have added a “handgun drill,” I don’t have children but this already terrifies me, but I believe there are other way to keep our children and the people safe. We should be focusing on funding more for mental health research, more security at schools actually supervising the school, and educating on warning signs for the people who might act with a handgun. The government and the media should stand back and reconsider their actions and take care of us because they want to aid the American people, not because it their means of income.
