Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Incoherent Immigration Reform

While I very much agree with the premises of the above mentioned commentary regarding the ongoing Immigration reform or debate going in Washington, I found the article rather as another relentless attack on immigrants from Central America, Latin America by another Republican institution.
First of all, the picture on the above article is rather demeaning to people of central and Latin American descent. While Mr. Hanson attempted to give us the impression that he is neutral in his write-up, they say that a picture carries a thousand words. At what point in the national discourse on immigration has one ever seen the faces of some of the Europeans who are in this country illegally, type of criminal activity or rather their positive contributions to this country .The insinuation that for decades past immigration reform or lack of

it there was, has favored more proximate Latin Americans arrivals who can easily cross the US border is rather overblown or racist at best. Yes, while people of Central America cross the border, several Asians and European come here on visitors visas and never return back. It is easy to identify one as of Latin American descent due to their cultural uniqueness and skin color, against someone from west Europe or eastern European countries and the Balkans. The facts remains that even though Latin Americans have closer boarder to the US, no one can cite any real danger besides some of their citizens seeking economic opportunity that these countries have brought against the united states. Has Mr. Hanson wonder why major US companies go as far away places as china, Vietnam, south Korea to build their factories when we have lots educated and willing Latin America pool of works a few miles away from the border.

Why is it ok to build factories in Philippines or China while our Latin American neighbors wallow in abject poverty and underdevelopment­. Does Mr. Hanson ever realize that most of economic bedrock of this country come mainly from the once states that used to be part of Mexico. Latin Americans have paternal heritage in this country besides economic opportunity more so than any other group of immigrant besides the Native Americans.

It is not true that due to high turnouts of immigrants from central and Latin America in favor of the democrats in the last election that Democrats are now advocating for immigration reformation, and as a pathway to citizenship. Present Clinton, a Democrat, was the last President that made it easy for immigrants to transition easily to citizenship. He was also accused of pandering for new immigrant vote at the time. Late president Regan gave amnesty to several illegal immigrants but he was considered a compassionate republican.

The unfounded allegation that the Mexican government supports illegal immigration as a political safety valve and a valuable source of cash remittance is another American chauvinistic attitude towards her closest neighbor. On the same token, that Americans love for illicit drug from Latin America is promoted by the American government, or America made firearms that are women and children is being promoted by the US government. The point I want to make is that every nation has her own problem due in part because of the factors unique or character of that nation. Until that day that the statue of Liberty no longer says give me your poor, tired , weary, huddled masses yearning to breathe freedom…., America will remain the only hope for the common masses of the world.

Source Incoherent Immigration Reform

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